What is in Season / En Temporada
Crops are rotated seasonally and come to production at different times of the year. For edible crops, seasonality is key in trying to eat locally. There are sites with maps that illustrate what is in season, with the late summer months having the most produce available and some produce available year round.
These seasons are from the State of Oregon and Oregon Fresh.net, but their seasonal productions are subject to climate, annual conditions, location, and grower availability1,2:
What is in Season / En Temporada Translation Needed
La traducción española para este sitio es un trabajo en curso. Redacte por favor cualquier gramática o las faltas de ortografía que usted encuentra. |
Photo by Frank Miller |
1. Oregon Department of Agriculture (no date) Oregon Grown Fresh Produce Seasonal Availability. Available at oregon.gov/ODA/ (accessed July 2009).
2. Agri-buisness Council of Oregon (2009) Seasonality Chart. Available at www.oregonfresh.net/index.php (accessed July 2009).