A watershed refers to the flow of water over land. It encompasses the land from which surface water, sediment, and dissolved substances travel from small streams and tributaries into the same place, a lake, river, wetland, or other body of water1,2.
The Willamette Valley watershed includes the area surrounding the Willamette River and its tributaries. The boundaries of the Willamette Valley watershed are:
Large tributaries to the Willamette include the Coast Fork and Middle Fork of the Willamette River, the McKenzie, the Long Tom, Mary's, Calapoola, North and South Santiam, North and South Yamhill, Mollala, Tualatin, and Clackamas rivers3. The Pudding River may also be considered a tributary for the Willamette based on maps. |
Watershed / Cuenca Hidrológica Translation Needed
La traducción española para este sitio es un trabajo en curso. Redacte por favor cualquier gramática o las faltas de ortografía que usted encuentra. |
1. United States Geological Survey (2009) Water Science for Schools: What is a watershed? Available at ga.water.usgs.gov/edu/watershed.html (accessed July 2009).
2. Strahler, A. & Strahler A. (2005) Physical Geography: Science and Systems of the Human Environment, Third Edition (USA: John Wiley & Sons, Inc).
3. Willamette River Keepers (no date) Tributaries. Available at willamette-riverkeeper.org/WRK/tributaries.html (accessed June 2009).
Related Information
- Environmental Protection Agency: What is a watershed?
- Natural Resources Conservation Services: Surface Water Supply Index
- Oregon Department of Agriculture: Watershed Enhancement Board
- Oregon State University: Watershed Extensions
- Oregon State University: Willamette Basin Explorer
- Network of Oregon Watershed Councils
- Portland Bureau of Environmental Services: Portland's Willamette Watershed
- Portland Harbor Watershed