Restaurants / Restaurantes
Portland is home to some of the leading locavore foodies and restaurants in the nation. It has been put on the map by local sustainable eateries including: the nation’s first sushi restaurant, Bamboo, to receive the Marine Stewardship Council Chain of Custody certification for using fisheries meeting sustainability requirements; a restaurant where everything but salt and pepper come from a 100 mile radius; and a French bistro style restaurant that has been purchasing local and organic for almost 15 years1, 2, 3. The partnership of Portland’s chefs and local farmers is visible in their discussion of feeding pigs local hazelnuts to create a distinct flavor of the northwest in Prosciutto de Parma4. Farm direct purchasing by chefs and restaurants is being enabled by organizations such as Ecotrust and their Food Hub program and the Farm to Chef collaborative5. Portland es el hogar de algunos de los lideres en “locavore foodies” y restaurantes en la nación. Tiene muchísimos comedores de comida local y sostenible incluyendo: el primer restaurante de sushi, Bamboo, que recibe la certificación del “Marine Stewardship Council Chain of Custody” porque usa piscifactorías que sigue los requisitos para ser una piscifactoría sostenible; un restaurante donde todo menos el sal y pimiento negro viene de un radio de 100 millas; un comedor francesa que ha comprando alimentos local y orgánico por casi 15 años1, 2, 3. La asociación entre los chefs de Portland y granjeros está evidente en la discusión sobre el dando de avellanos locales a cochinas para crear un sabor distincta para un Prosciutto de Parma Noreste4. La compra directa entre comedores y granjeros está permitida por organizaciones como Ecotrust y el programa Food Hub y el Colaborativo entre granjas y chefs5.

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Photo by Frank Miller


1. Cruz, N.S. (2008) Sushi Restaurant is Going Sustainable. Available at (accessed June 2009).
2. Cole, L. (2009a) Oregon’s Plate is Full of Sustainable Food. Available at (accessed June 2009).
3. Higgins, G. (no date) Higgins Restaurant and Bar Philosophy. Available at (accessed August 2009).
4. Cole, L. (2009b) Peerless Pork. Available at (accessed June 2009).
5. Ecotrust (2009) Ecotrust's Farm and Food Program. Available at (accessed August 2009).

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