How to Contribute / Cómo Contribuir
We want you to contribute to the Willamette Valley agriculture wiki!

In order to add pages, upload documents and images, or edit a page you need to be a member of the wikidot community and obtain a login. This login is to ensure that we protect the site against spam and promote accountability.

Editing and Uploading Tips:

To edit any given page, make sure you are logged in. Scroll down to the bottom of the page and click the edit button. A screen will pop up that has the current text version on the top and an editing box at the bottom that contains coded text.

Within that box, you may add or delete text. Please do not delete existing coded text, as it may damage the integrity of the appearance of the site. Especially important is anything within brackets [ ] or anything that reads “cell,” “row,” or “table.”

You can use different combinations of codes or the buttons on the editing page to make your text look different.

For adding text styles in the editing function, here are a few codes that will be useful:

Bold text: B button OR the phrase to be bolded has two asterisks ** on either side of it.

Italic text: I button OR the phrase to be coded has two backslashes // on either side of it.

Headings: H2 button (H1 drops down to reveal more options) OR two plus signs ++ before the text and then a space and the desired heading text.

Heading Example

Using text to link to a webpage:

  1. In the editing box place the cursor where you would like the linked text.
  2. Click the “URL Link Wizard” button (7th button from the left, middle row). Another window will pop up.
  3. Enter the URL address where prompted and at ‘Anchor text’ type the text that you would like linked to the URL.
  4. If you do not want viewers to be navigated away from the Willamette Valley agriculture (WVA) when they click on the text then mark the ‘Open in the new window’ box.

Linking text to a wiki page: This is a bit different then linking to a web page.

  1. In the editing box, place the cursor where you would like to include the wiki page link.
  2. Click the “Page Link Wizard” button (9th from the left, middle row). Another window will open.
  3. Start to type the name of the page in the “Page name” space and a drop down menu of existing pages will appear. Select the appropriate name from these pages.
  4. If you want a different title to appear then the official one for the wiki page that you have linked to, then add text at the ‘Anchor Text’ prompt.

Adding pictures or documents: In order to add files (pictures or documents) to the wiki page, you must first upload the file to the page (not in the edit function). At the bottom of the original WVA wiki page near the “edit” button is a “files” button.

  1. Click files.
  2. Upload new file.
  3. Select files.
  4. Select files that you want to be uploaded.
  5. Click open.
  6. The files to be uploaded will be listed on the WVA page, select ‘upload files’
  7. Once a file has been uploaded, return to the edit function.
  8. Place the cursor where you would like the image to be inserted.
  9. Choose the “Insert Image Wizard” (5th from the right, middle row). A new window will open.
  10. At the ‘Source type’ prompt select attached file.
  11. Highlight the file that you wish to upload, choose the image size (for all of the original images in the wiki we used ‘small’).
  12. Select insert code.

NOTE: the original file name must not contain spaces.

For more help with contributing to the Willamette Valley agriculture wiki, go to wikidot help pages.


La traducción española para este sitio es un trabajo en curso. Redacte por favor cualquier gramática o las faltas de ortografía que usted encuentra.

Unless otherwise stated, the content of this page is licensed under Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 License