Farmworker Initiatives and Support / Iniciativos y Apoyo Para Trabajadores
There are several organizations that work to ensure that Oregon’s farmworkers maintain healthy living conditions and working standards. These initiatives include literacy, education, health, sanitation, legal rights, and housing. | Farmworker Initiatives and Support Translation Needed
La traducción española para este sitio es un trabajo en curso. Redacte por favor cualquier gramática o las faltas de ortografía que usted encuentra. |
Related Information
- National Center for Farmworker Health, Inc., Oregon Office
- Pesticide Use Reporting Guide, State of Oregon
- Virginia Garcia Memorial Health Center, Hillsboro
- Community and Shelter Assistance Corp. (CASA), Oregon Office
- Oregon Housing and Community Services
- Farmworker Housing Development Corporation
- Farmworker Housing Tax Credit Program, State of Oregon
- Legal Aid Services, Oregon
- Oregon Law Center
- Oregon Law Center, Woodburn
- National Farmworker Ministries, Oregon Office
- Resources for Farmworkers, State of Oregon; includes: Housing & Services, Education & Children, Work, Health, Law, and Faith Based Organizations
- Resources in Spanish, Clackamas