Mission Statement
Dairy Creek Community Food Web is people exchanging knowledge, skills, labor and resources to grow, harvest, preserve, share and celebrate good food.
WORKSHOP - MAKING AND UNDERSTANDING COMPOSTS AND COMPOST TEA: 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. Saturday, Sept. 20, 2009 at Sunbow Farm, 6910 SW Plymouth Drive, in Corvallis. Instructors: Shephard Smith, of SoilSmith Services (www.soilsmith.com), and Harry MacCormack (www.sunbowfarm.org) Session will include: Understanding the microherd and how it works for you; converting conventional to organic for small and large acreage; making composts in various climate conditions; making compost teas and extracts; and, strategies for fertilization, disease protection and fungal control. Cost is $30 (pre-registration suggested). Mail checks to Sunbow Farm.
WORKSHOP/INTENSIVE - BEANS, GRAINS AND EDIBLE SEEDS: Homestead Scale: 10 a.m. to 3 p.m., Sunday, Oct. 18, 2009 - Instructor: Harry MacCormack. Location: Nana Cardoon in Forest Grove, Or. $30/at the door. Pre-register and directions with Charlene Murdock at ten.knilhtrae|noodraCanaN#ten.knilhtrae|noodraCanaN Beautiful lunch provided for $5.
Harry has been working with grains, beans, and seeds on a homestead scale for 37 years. During the past 3 years the research plots at Sunbow Farm have been a large part of the drive to create the Southern Willamette Valley Bean and Grain Project. Plantings have included black, pinto, adzuki, soy, lentil, red and garbanzo beans. Eight rye varieties, four triticale varieties, 12 wheat varieties, four varieties of quinoa, three of amaranth, barley, buckwheat and sunflower.
Topics will include - field preparation, rotations, moisture, temperature; over-wintering, advantages and disadvantages; varieties for fall and spring planting (some very old); nutritional measurements (part of on-going research with WSU); calculating how much is needed for a person, family, community - or how many pounds to expect from a 20’ x 20’ plot; how to harvest, thrash (by hand and/or machine) and storage; creative uses of beans, grains, seeds; and, potential community supported markets and storage.
Pre-register and directions to Forest Grove email Charlene at ten.knilhtrae|noodraCanaN#ten.knilhtrae|noodraCanaN
COMMUNITY WORKSHOP - WINTER BEAN SOUP BAZAAR: Drop by the Forest Grove Senior & Community Center, 2037 Douglas St., Forest Grove, Ore. between 1 and 4 p.m. on Saturday, Nov. 14, 2009, and sample savory soup, learn about and purchase locally grown beans, make soup-mix gifts for the holidays (we'll have bags and bows on hand). Event is co-sponsored by the Southern Willamette Valley Bean and Grain Project (www.mudcitypress.com/beanandgrain).
Photos from Charlene Murdock