Dairy / Lechería
The Willamette Valley produces a variety of dairy products from sheep, cows, and goats1. These animals produce milk that is subject to government and industry safety checks including pasteurization as it is made into different products2. It is then sold in the form of beverage milks, cheeses, yogurt and ice cream1. Additionally the Willamette Valley is becoming known for the specialty cheeses produced here. | Dairy / Lechería Translation Needed
La traducción española para este sitio es un trabajo en curso. Redacte por favor cualquier gramática o las faltas de ortografía que usted encuentra. |
1. Oregon Department of Agriculture (2008) 2007-2008 Oregon Agriculture & Fisheries Statistics, 2008 Oregon Agripedia. Available at www.oregon.gov/ODA/ (accessed July 2009).
2. Oregon Dairy Counsel (2009) FAQ. Available at www.dairyfarmersor.com/faqs/ (accessed July 2009).