Community Gardens / Jardines de Comunidad
Community gardens enable food and plant production, often located in or around urban centers. They are utilized by people who do not have the land for their own gardens, want to be a part of the community, or wish to support the organization for which the garden produces, as some gardens grow food for organizations such as food banks1. Some community gardens are on rooftops, spare lots, or in more rural areas of cities. Community gardens can also be learning centers where educational endeavors take place.
The Marion-Polk Food Share has put together a website where growers can post garden-related events, garden knowledge, post questions, and share resources. |
Community Garden / Jardines de Comunidad Translation Needed
La traducción española para este sitio es un trabajo en curso. Redacte por favor cualquier gramática o las faltas de ortografía que usted encuentra. |
Photo by Kimberlee Chambers |
1. America Community Garden Association (no date) What is a Community Garden? Available at (accessed August 2009).