The Willamette Valley produces a variety of beverages including wine, beer, milk, bottled water, and soda pop. In Portland alone, there are over 30 breweries; the availability of hops, wheat, and barley allow many of their products to be included in local agriculture1. A Portland company, Hotlips, produces their own soda made from local ingredients such as Marionberries and black raspberries2. El valle de Willamette produce una diversidad de bebidas incluyendo vino, cerveza, leche, botellas de agua, y refrescos. En Portland, hay más de 30 cervecerías; y la disponibilidad de lúpulo, trigo y cebada se permite que sus productos están de la agricultura local1. Hotlips, una empresa de refrescos en Portland, hace refrescos con sabores como Marionberry y frambuesa negra2.

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1. Oregon Brewers Guild (2007) Portland Metro. Available at (accessed July 2009).
2. Hotlips (no date) Let us introduce you to Hotlips Soda. Available at (accessed July 2009).

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